The Uniting of Mind, Body and Spirit
Moving the Body and Breath in Unison through a select series of Poses
For the serious athlete seeking to challenge mind, body and spirit
Turn your afternoon into an invigorating mental and physical stimulus.
Stress is like gravity, constantly affecting us. Find your inner strength.
A Fusion of Ashtanga derived Vinyasa, Korean Martial Arts and Ayurvedic Thai Bodywork
The Dance of Shiva practiced as a Four-Limb Movement algorithm
Total Body Conditioning
Increasing Bone & Muscle Density, Cultivating Mobility and
Developing Cardio & Mental Strength
A Complete, Intelligent Methodology for Muscle and Joint Maintenance. Private Training every Wednesday @11am EST (check availability)
Simple movements that aren't so simple to accomplish, create the look and strength you want, whether it's maintaining mobility or creating it.
Half Cardio Conditioning, Half Yoga Asana and All Good
Low-Impact, Creative, Medium-Resistance Training
Available for Any of the Practices on this Page
Mental, Physical and Emotional Methodology for Success
Rebuilding Strength, Increasing Range of Motion & Improving Performance through Technique
Permanently Reclaiming the Body from the Effects of Desk Time. Live instruction every Mon/Thurs @ 6:30pm EST. (Public group workout) Enroll today!
1-on-1 for Overall Evaluation or Topic Specific for Continuing Education
Traditional Technique including Kata, Bunkai and Conditioning (MMA)
Based on the Original Kyokushin Kai created by Sosai Mas Oyama
Traditional Okinawan Karate for Self-Defense & Personal Development
Traditional Okinawan Weapons for Self-Defense
Throws, Chokes, Joint Locks and Submissions - The Gentle Way
Evasive blending with Attacks, Atemi, Joint Locks and Submissions -
The Harmonious Way
Personal Training is First Come First Served by Appointment Only